About Us

The South Main St. Alliance is a community and cross-sector led effort focused primarily on Business Development, Promotions, Events and Design of South Main St. Phillipsburg.
The South Main St. Alliance serves to breathe life back into what will soon return to a vibrant fun place to live, work, shop and invest in.
The tagline of “All for Phillipsburg” is inclusive to all experiences and invites everyone in, to work towards a collective goal. The theme for the South Main St. Alliance is focused on convening efforts and voices towards the common goal of bettering South Main St. Phillipsburg.
The South Main St. Alliance works for the collective prosperity of residents and business owners, All for Phillipsburg.
Together, we are embarking on the important next steps that will result in a significantly stronger brand identity for Phillipsburg, New Jersey, South Main St. area. This isn’t an effort happening in isolation; it’s a cross-sector, community-driven, and carefully executed long-term, sustainable effort. It’s a continuation of decades of work toward developing a strong foundation poised for progress. Properly executed, this journey ultimately drives new business, increases economic activity, creates a stronger sense of community, and results in greater pride of place by community members and stakeholders, both current and future. We know — because you've told us — that Phillipsburg is ready for positive change and forward momentum. The collective's success has historically driven the Phillipsburg community to prosperity. This new unified effort maximizes existing progress, brings on new engagement points, and elevates South Main St. Phillipsburg to a destination and beacon for opportunity and economic prosperity.
This Branding and Marketing Action Plan was developed collaboratively with the South Main St. Alliance Team Members. We want to thank the Team volunteers and others who devoted many hours to making this plan a reality by dedicating their time and talent to the South Main St. Alliance, as well as many business and property owners, residents, and others who contributed their time and valuable input of ideas, resources, and feedback.
A Branding Plan includes an overview of research, an analysis of South Main Street’s current environment, illuminates strategic priorities for the area, and touches on a plan of action that the South Main St. Alliance can realistically implement given its limited budget and resources. To maximize the opportunity for success and minimize potential brand confusion, we must include all of the different community groups and administration to participate in developing the plan together, at the same time, with the same tools and intentions, using the same playbook.